Yes, it's true. I'm not ashamed. My mom sent my wife the vampire books last summer. At first, I hesitated because I'm not a big reader (unless it's the Internal Revenue Code), I was in tax season and these were books about a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire. So how did it happen?
I'd like to blame it on my boss, my mom, my wife and every other woman who reported to my wife or her friends that they couldn't put these books down once they started.
While delayed for several hours in the airport with my boss, we proceeded to find the nearest book store. I came across the vampire books in the young adult section (at least it wasn't the romance section) and recognized them instantly. I told my boss of the recommendations from my mom and wife and he decided to buy. He was a fan (but he's also a fan of Gilmore Girls and Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Once back from the trip, I decided to try out the first vampire book. Well, 3 weeks and 1800 pages later I finished all 3 books in the series. The books were good. I found myself going through withdrawals in the weeks that followed. I also found myself getting more sleep (I was also out of tax season).
During a call last week with my brother Go-Go I decided to come clean and tell him about the teen vampire books. He laughed but I doubt he was surprised since at the time of the call, I was watching One Tree Hill (we also used to watch Dawson's Creek together during our UT days).
Hoo is the kid?
That's Eddie Munster. I kept picturing him as the vampire while reading the book.
Have you made your paper chain yet so you can countdown the days to the 4th and final book of the vampire series?
Well, maybe that will come after you finish your paper chain that you made for tax season!
So much to learn about you, so little time. I also secretly watched Dawson's Creek when it came on in the mornings here on TBS. I had to catch up for all the years I was above it. I am sorry about the withdrawls. Take my advice, they do ease with time. I am not surprised about the One Tree Hill thing with GoGo because he was the one watching USA High with Shawn on Christmas Eve one year and wouldn't go get the giant sub from the Subway for our family dinner and Zane had to go. He always talks about Shawn's and GoGo's love of USA High.
This is Mike posting.
I have two comments about your blog...
First, in one of your posts you used the word promulgated. Truly a word reserved for accountants and attorneys.
Second, do you know how many times Laurie has asked me to read those books? You have done serious damage to my "those are girls books" defense.
Hope you are getting atleast 2 1/2 hours of sleep this season.
Always fun to read about your family.
I think this is why Shawn avoids reading them. He's afraid of what might happen. He knows he's prone to addiction following the USA High incident mentioned above, therefore follows Nancy Reagan's advice and just says NO!
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