Based on the overwhelming responses (2), I wanted to let everyone know that Brian Couch (the guy in the upper right-hand side of the Howies Unite picture) is alive (see comments from the Moreau's and Brent ("H") on the "Memories..." post). Everyone can rest easy and get on with life now. I'm glad that's resolved.
In addition to getting the word out about Couch, I also wanted to let everyone know that it is tax season. Yes, those documents you have received in the mail the past couple of weeks are, you guessed it, most likely, 1099s. And, since it's 1099 time, it means less sleep, less family and less fun. So, for any of you readers that have kids thinking about joining the elite group of tax accountants, you may want to have them talk to my wife first. Alright, back to taxes...
My friend, Andrea Williams was over the other night and I was showing her your blog. She laughted pretty hard at your joke of the week. By the way, she is an attorney (securities, I think)!
Did Amy sneak up on you last night and take that picture?
My brother Go-Go left me a message yesterday that he had recently spotted Brian Couch at a church activity. The confirmations just keep coming.
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