Amy's birthday was April 26th. For her birthday she wanted a new closet. Today is June 8 and the closet is still not done. Our room has piles of clean clothes lying around and somehow, these piles have grown and spread. It's getting difficult to navigate our room, especially at night.
I have decided that this coming Saturday, June 14, is D-day. I am posting this to make sure it gets done by then. By next Sunday, you will see a new post with a picture of the "new" closet.
I know, I know. This post has nothing to do with accounting and my accounting fans are most likely turning to other blogs by now, but that's OK... you get your fix and then come back. In the meantime, I've gotta work on a closet.
You say "new" closet, I'm just a girl, looking for a place to put my clothes. Living out of boxes on the closet floor is only wonderful for so long (1.5 years for the accountants). Thank you so much for getting it done, though I'm sure Cohen will miss the piles of clothes on the floor to catch him when he dives.
I came for my daily fix of the latest in the accounting world and left with the promise of some great before and after pics, which I love. Now I am back a whole two days after...still waiting to see the transformation. Please don't disappoint all of your loyal fans.(and none of those post back- dating tricks either)
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